| 1. | Build world - class companies 没什么心情写内容,倒是 |
| 2. | Google is a world - class company , who leads in technology and innovation Google是一家世界级技术和创新能力全球领先的企业。 |
| 3. | The interview process of this world - class company is very thorough and demands a lot out of a candidate 这个世界级大公司的面试过程非常全面、非常挑剔。 |
| 4. | Most of our managers have background of oversea education and abundant work experience in the world - class companies 作为一家成立不久的公司,在投融资领域的发展市场的开拓,业绩非常体现了其强大的生命力。 |
| 5. | Brand management is vital for any company to achieve competent advantage in the worldly market . any world - class company regards brand management as the key to achieve their competent advantages 纵览历年来世界500强企业成长发展史,我们可以发现这些企业都毫无例外的把品牌管理工作当作了取得竞争优势的关键和核心。 |
| 6. | " a world - class company is established on the basis of world - class talent , which calls for world - class training . ceibs meets cnooc s requirements with its company specific programmes and has established long - term partnership with cnooc in its process of becoming a world class energy company . 为使汉高能在中国及亚太地区取得成功,我们必须对人才培养给予更多关注和投资,而中欧所提供的mba课程emba课程以及公司特设课程确实对此极有价值。 |
| 7. | Haier has been widely recognized as a leader of 9 products in terms of domestic market shares and the 3rd player of 3 products in the world market and world - class company in the fields of home integration , network appliances , digital and large scale integrated circuits and new materials 海尔有9种产品在中国市场位居行业之首, 3种产品在世界市场占有率居行业前三位,在智能家居集成、网络家电、数字化、大规模集成电路、新材料等技术领域处于世界领先水平。 |
| 8. | E - commerce , website construction , and online marketing are strategic means for all chinese corporations to succeed in a fiercely competitive market . ce s key clients , the smes , are eager to find a fair , effective , innovative online marketing platform to connect them to the world . google is a world - class company , who leads in technology and innovation 面对激烈的市场竞争格局,电子商务、网站建设、网络营销已经成为中国企业势不可挡的发展之路,因此中国中小企业现在急需一个公正、有效、具创新能力的网络营销服务商将他们推向世界市场。 google是一家世界级、技术和创新能力全球领先的企业。 |